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[mis-nose surgery]  mis-nose ??
name h** date 2018-06-12 views 1751

hello,  i am harry, i am from in canada~

my nose  is short ang went down  at the tip .

when i smiled it looked so wide  ㅜㅜ 

but i don,t want to do the nose surgery .

can you tell me someting about mis-nose surgery??

thank you very much!!!~~

Answer contents



this is Gangnam Samsung Aesthetic Clinic. 

 Thank you for your question.

mis-nose surgery---This surgery uses latest surgical technique that is differentiated from other techniques, and it uses insertion inside the scaffold of a nose. By inserting scaffold inside the nose, the surgery will adjust the nose’s angel, bridge, tip, and wing, and it also prolongs the length of the nose for a very long time.


1.Defending on the technique, we use various anesthesia treatment.


2.We inject a scaffold with unique cog inside the nose during this surgery


3.A scaffold used in this surgery has element of absorptiveness and non-absorptiveness.


4.This surgery will bring the sharpness of the nose that patients so desire.




If you have any other questions you can contact us anytime Best regards. 



Tel: 82-02-3477-4700

QQ: 2240472707

Wechat: ksamsung1


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